a series of unfortunate events (part 1)
i saw her.
i saw her.
i saw joan.
i was on my way to the escalator when she juz stepped of it. we were like 2m away frm each other. im not too sure if she did see me but my guess is yes. time seem to freeze when our eyes met(that is if she did see me in the 1st place).
i wanted to call out to her but my throat felt like something got stuck in there. no words came out of my lips. or maybe its because i felt she was giving me frosty stares. that juz made me lose my guts.
we went our own way. she, to shop and me, up the escalator. when i turn rd to observe her, i saw she was talking to her friend and (maybe?) steal a glance at my direction.
after the encounter, i took a cab back to camp. and this matter bothered me quite a lot. so, i discussed with jason and hongyun wat to do. and the we reached the same conculsion as wat i had in mind in the very begining. msg her.
and the sms conversation goes like this:(in the exact same way i texted)
me: were u at jurong point juz now? i tot i saw u.
she: yes i am i just went back
me did u see me? i tot i ren4 cuo4 ren2. hahahaha
she: no i did not see you. sorry:) goodnight.
for some reasons, i felt she didn't want to talk to me at all. i am so depressed.
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